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Innovation Challenge (MS20)

For the enthusiasts who love to solve business case ideas and innovate new marketing, supply chain ideas for a rebranding or new startups, we included the segment called ‘Innovation Challenge’ in Mindsparks 2020.

Soccer Bot Mindsparks-20

If you are a racing lover and have skills in robotics then we are welcoming you for the segment called ‘Soccer Bot’.

MATLAB Challenge Mindsparks’19

Over the whole world, MATLAB is one of the most popular used software for engineers.  We took the challenge to select ‘MATLAB’ as a segment in Mindsparks 2019. Those who knew the basics to advance MATLAB took part in this segment. But very incredibly, we got a huge response on this segment.50+ students from different universities participated. We provided a ‘problem’ within a limited time… Read More »MATLAB Challenge Mindsparks’19